Friday, May 1, 2009

Alien in my belly.

I am still nowhere near feeling normal when this kid moves around. It is the strangest feeling. It still feels like stuck farts, just really big stuck farts.

A lot of the movement I feel is really low. Like low enough that I asked my doctor about it...twice. And I was told, the baby is allowed to move wherever he wants. But I am telling you, yesterday it felt like he was about to poke right out. It was like he was on a scientific dig in there. Poking here, rolling there, Hey! What's down there? Nutty.

I have decided that unless there is any sort of pain or pressure or any other indication that something is amiss, I am going with what my doctor says. That doesn't mean I have stopped poking him. He can move wherever he wants, I just want to be able to poke him and get him to move whenever I want!

I have also realized that I drum my fingers on my stomach quite a bit. It makes me wonder what that sounds like to him. Is it like when you tap on a fish tank? Which you are not supposed to do because it is way louder to the fish and stresses them out. If so, am I stressing him out? I just picture him in there banging on the ceiling like an old man with a broom stick telling his upstairs neighbors to quiet down.

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