Monday, November 24, 2014

Short Lived

Mark has passed away.  His time with us was breif and barely meaningful.  Now all we can do is hope not having any visual triggers will help Alex in his ability to completely forget the caterpillar even existed.

Friday, November 21, 2014

New Friends

I was walking through our garage/shop area at work and spotted a fuzzy little woolly caterpillar crawling along the floor.  I was going to put the little guy outside, but then I figured Alex would think it was pretty cool to make a caterpillar habitat and watch this little arc on the circle of life take place.  So I scooped him up in a container and took him home.

He first had to come with me to the mechanic and wait for the car to be taken down off the lift so we could go home.  He got a little extra adoration from the customer service lady and we were on our way.

Alex was very excited when I showed him, and he immediately asked if all of his pets could be next to each other on his dresser.  I assured him the caterpillar could take up residence next to Bingo Zingo Fast.  After we planned out how we would build the caterpillar's new home, I asked Alex what he wanted to name him.

And from the child that named his fish Uno, Dos, and Bingo Zinog Fast came the caterpillar name of:


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Aaaaaand we have entered the awkward picture face phase of life:

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What Turkey?

I present to you the glorious "chicken" Alex took to school today.  I don't know what you're talking about, I don't see a turkey there.


Last night as Alex and I were sitting down to our fancy dinner of Ramen, he suddenly clamped his eyes shut as tightly as possible and announced he was looking into his brain.  And then, "Ah!  A dinosaur!"  As quickly as he had spotted the dinosaur, he smacked himself in the side of the head to "knock the dinosaur out of his brain."

And then he crammed way too many Ramen noodles in his mouth, gagged, and barfed.

I chose this life.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Gobble Gobble Cluck

Alex recived an assignment from school.  He was given a drawing of a turkey and instructed to disguise the turkey so it wouldn't get eaten for Thanksgiving.  The instructions gave examples of disguises students have used in the past; Bucky Badger outfit, sequins, stickers, buttons, etc.  Each kid is supposed to use their imagination to come up with a disguise, and then they will write a short story about their turkey's disguise.

So I asked Alex what he thought we should disguise his turkey as.  His response?  A chicken.


He wants to disguise his turkey as a chicken.  A chicken.  So it doesn't get eaten.  This kid is goin' places.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

I'm an adult.

I just sat here trying to pick a button off of my shirt because I thought it was a Corn Nut I had dropped.

If you ever have a moment where you find yourself questioning your abilities as a functioning human being...just reread that sentence.  You'll feel better.

On a Roll

How do you stop a baby from rolling over?  No, this isn't a joke, I am for real asking.  Sam has mastered rolling from his back to his stomach, but the learning curve stopped there.  It stopped there and has left us dangling from a crumbling, angry cliff.

Samalamadingdong has yet to figure out how to get back to his back.  And he's cool with that...for about 15 seconds. And then he's pissed.  Not a super huge deal when he's just hanging out on his play mat.  TOTALLY a super huge deal when I lay him down in his crib to go to sleep, and instead of just going to sleep like a good baby, he rolls over, and is livid that he's stuck.  Four times.  Four times he rolls over and gets his diaper in a bunch 'cause he can't figure out how to get back from whence he came.

And yes, I realized while typing this that the solution to this problem is to teach him to roll back over.  Leave me alone.  I'm tired.  I've been dealing with a pissed off baby stuck on his stomach.


Alex is still rockin' his monster hat from last year.  The tie string thingys have long since gone missing which is fine since he never tied them any way.  But they did leave little holes where they were attached.  And one of those little holes has turned into a big hole by the hands of a certain 5 year old. (Bob Hannigee?  Is that you?)

He has made the hole big enought that he can fit his hand between the lining and the outer shell all the way to the top of his hat.  And since he can do that, he has decided this is a brilliant storage place.  At least that's the story I got when I asked him why there was such a big hole in his hat.  And just to solidify his story, he's following through and "storing" his gloves in there.  I'm just happy he finally found a place to put them so we can stop losing them.  And I was delighted to find what I thought was the third pair of gloves lost crammed up in there.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Sam was totally into it.

I cannot express how excited I am this hat fits his little noggin: