Thursday, September 27, 2018


Last night at bedtime, I tucked Sam in and said good night.

"Good night my little Sam."
"Good night my little Mama."
"I love you."
"I like you, too."

Dang kid.  That stings a little.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Yellow Blanks Lives On

Oh, Sam's attachment to his yellow blanket.  It feels dishonest letting the ratty thing keep the title of Yellow Blanks as it is no longer showing any shades of its once vibrant color.  We try to sneak it into the wash as frequently as possible, but rarely is it gone long undetected.  Sometimes we can talk him into letting us wash it without a fit, but those instances are few and far between.  And now that he went from having a 2&1/2 hour nap a day to nothing?  Yeah, volatile is a word that frequently comes to mind.

Short story, long?  Yellow Blanks is nasty right now.

On the way to school yesterday, I hear Sam say, "Why is this long string on Yellow Blanks crunchy?"  Alex visibly gagged and said, "Sam. ... When your blanket is crispy?  It's time to wash it dude."

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Last Chance

The boys love taking baths together...and swimming together...and bouncing on the trampoline with the sprinkler spraying together.  They're pretty much good if there's water involved.

This evening they were on the trampoline with the sprinkler for a bit, and Alex hopped off to inform me they should turn the sprinkler off because he "saw a river" in the yard.  Good good.  That outta adequately add to the crazy mosquito population.  As they were coming in, they were already asking if they could take a bath.  Now it's been a hot minute since they have been allowed to take a bath together because every sinlge time, it ends up with a flooded bathroom.  For some reason I decided to give them one more chance this evening.  But, I made them stand there for a quick lay down of the rules once more.

Me:  There will be no jumping. 
Alex&Sam:  Right.
Me:  There will be no water on the floor.
Alex&Sam:  Right.
Me:  And if there is water on the floor, what is going to happen?
Alex:  We will have to get out.
Sam:  Booof!  It's gonna explode.

Mindful Children

There is a scene in an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse where Daisy attempts to show Donald how to miniature golf.  Donald is too busy being a chauvinistic asshat to listen, and pushes Daisy out of his way while saying, "Step aside, Toots!  I'll show ya how it's done!"


That is an actual scene that happens.  Don't even get me freaking started on the cute little detail that all the female characters in that abomination of a show only wear high heels.  Daisy was wearing high heel SNEAKERS the other day.  I mean.  Come on.  And?  Even when the female characters are saving the day, which they pretty much always have to do because all the male characters are damn fools, they end up checking with Mickey to make sure they're doing the right thing.  Now that I'm typing it all out, we may be done with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in the Julius Clubhouse.


Wanna guess what 4 year old picked up Donald's lovely line?  Oh you bet.  Samalamadingdong has consumed that comment, digested it, curated it, and is ready to show. it. off.

He asked for milk yesterday and as I went to the fridge, I heard a voice that sounded like someone just sucked in four helium balloons after smoking seven packs of Camel Straights pop up behind me saying, "Step aside, Toots!  Iiiiii'llll show ya!"  And while he's saying this to me, he has his back to me, his one hand out in a "talk to the hand" pose, and his eyes looking back to his peripheral but not turning his head.

So yeah, I'm totally raising a well adjusted boy that understands equality.  Yay me.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


The boys had dentist appointments yesterday and as usual they chose to sit together on the only little waiting room couch.  But this time?  Good gravy Alex got old all of a sudden.
Healthy teeth for both boys and aside from a gagging incident during xrays, all went well.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

So Photogenic

Sam's 4K teacher sent home a very sweet paper with pictures from his first couple of days at 4K.

Let's just zoom in on that first one, shall we?
I just.  What is this expression?  I have been laughing about this for about 18 hours now.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Back at It

Here we are already, Back to School.

Alex is pleasantly not throwing fits about going back.  Sam is coming unglued with excitement to go to 4K.

I managed to take the worst 1st Day picture of Alex; we may have to try again to document the culmination of 4th grade.
Sam's 1st Day picture went much better.
And then I got pictures from daycare of him getting on the bus and my heart exploded.