Tuesday, February 26, 2019


While working on his spelling words today, Alex dropped this one:
"Hey Mom, wanna hear something crazy?  For most of my life, I didn't know the whole AEIOU thing for vowels."

"For most of my life."  This kid cracks me up.

Friday, February 22, 2019

A Fraction Issue

Alex is working on fractions in math this year.  He seems to be grasping the whole idea pretty well, but this is the worksheet he brought home yesterday:
The rest of it was done and done correctly, but man that one tripped him up I guess.  I also like how he started to write "What" normally, but by the "h," he realized this one needed an all caps sentiment.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Logo Confusion

Sam and I were driving home the other day and there was a USF Holland semi truck in front of us.  Sam asked what the truck does and when I explained it was a delivery truck, he started laughing and asked "Why would anyone need that much bacon?!?"
Took me a hot minute to notice the logo...

Monday, February 18, 2019


Alex's last hockey tournament of the season was in Rhinelander this past weekend.  The kiddos played really well and had a lot of fun on and off the ice. 

I was unaware Rhinelander is the home of the elusive Hodag. 

Per Wikipedia:
"In Wisconsin folklore, the hodag is a fearsome critter. Its history is focused mainly around the city of Rhinelander in northern Wisconsin, where it was said to have been discovered."

There are Hodags evvvvvvverywhere.  Including one when you walk into the rink. 

And...and?  AND.  A huge one recessed in an ice cave in the corner of the rink that comes out with glowing eyes and blowing smoke after games.  I kid you not.

Northern Wisconsin is an odd place.


Alex is home today because they had a scheduled inservice day.  It's not as difficult for me as when Sam is home, but it is still not the easiest thing in the world to have a 9 year old home with you all day while you're trying to work.

The morning closed out with this:
Me:  Ugggghhhh, I don't wanna work anymore, Alex.
Alex:  Well.  I don't want to NOT be playing video games anymore...pret-ty sure we can work out a deal here.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Cool it Winter

Aaaaaaaaaand another snow day!  So. Much. Fun.  We're half way through and I haven't had to yell yet, so I'm counting the whole day as a win.  I am not pleased about the possession status of my Comfy though...

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Planning Ahead

Sam is accumulating a list of things he is going to accomplish when he turns 5...but not before he turns 5.  So far we have:
-Learning to skate and play hockey
-Playing soccer
-Stop talking like a baby
-Learning to whistle
-Do a back flip (This kills me.  He can't do a front flip either, but that's not on the list.  Go figure.)

When I asked him why he is waiting to learn these things, I was told it's because when he's 5 he will be brave enough to do these things, but while he's 4, these things are too scary.

5 is gonna be a BIG year.