Thursday, September 20, 2018

Mindful Children

There is a scene in an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse where Daisy attempts to show Donald how to miniature golf.  Donald is too busy being a chauvinistic asshat to listen, and pushes Daisy out of his way while saying, "Step aside, Toots!  I'll show ya how it's done!"


That is an actual scene that happens.  Don't even get me freaking started on the cute little detail that all the female characters in that abomination of a show only wear high heels.  Daisy was wearing high heel SNEAKERS the other day.  I mean.  Come on.  And?  Even when the female characters are saving the day, which they pretty much always have to do because all the male characters are damn fools, they end up checking with Mickey to make sure they're doing the right thing.  Now that I'm typing it all out, we may be done with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in the Julius Clubhouse.


Wanna guess what 4 year old picked up Donald's lovely line?  Oh you bet.  Samalamadingdong has consumed that comment, digested it, curated it, and is ready to show. it. off.

He asked for milk yesterday and as I went to the fridge, I heard a voice that sounded like someone just sucked in four helium balloons after smoking seven packs of Camel Straights pop up behind me saying, "Step aside, Toots!  Iiiiii'llll show ya!"  And while he's saying this to me, he has his back to me, his one hand out in a "talk to the hand" pose, and his eyes looking back to his peripheral but not turning his head.

So yeah, I'm totally raising a well adjusted boy that understands equality.  Yay me.

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