Thursday, November 6, 2014

On a Roll

How do you stop a baby from rolling over?  No, this isn't a joke, I am for real asking.  Sam has mastered rolling from his back to his stomach, but the learning curve stopped there.  It stopped there and has left us dangling from a crumbling, angry cliff.

Samalamadingdong has yet to figure out how to get back to his back.  And he's cool with that...for about 15 seconds. And then he's pissed.  Not a super huge deal when he's just hanging out on his play mat.  TOTALLY a super huge deal when I lay him down in his crib to go to sleep, and instead of just going to sleep like a good baby, he rolls over, and is livid that he's stuck.  Four times.  Four times he rolls over and gets his diaper in a bunch 'cause he can't figure out how to get back from whence he came.

And yes, I realized while typing this that the solution to this problem is to teach him to roll back over.  Leave me alone.  I'm tired.  I've been dealing with a pissed off baby stuck on his stomach.

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