Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm moving into the bathroom.

12 times. That is how many times I peed yesterday. 12. In one day. And every time I sat down after peeing, I felt like I could easily pee in my pants. This has taught me something. Angel Soft toilet paper? Sucks. The people at that company apparently have a very intriguing idea what the softness of an angel feels like. I have to admit, I have never met an angel, but I think there is a general understanding of how soft an angel might be if you were to ever touch one. My guess is that it doesn't feel like scraping sand paper across your most precious bits.

The part I don't get is that this kid has moved the highest up he has been the whole time he's been cooking. So one would stand to reason the constant having to pee sensation would be lessened as it seems he is the farthest away from my bladder. He is snuggled tightly up against my rib cage. All the way across. And still trying to push out my right side. Let's not forget that pleasant sensation. I swear when I go into labor, the doctor is going to be very confused when she has to deliver this kid from out of my right side, but that has got to be his plan. Anyway, it is beyond my medical training to understand how he is even able to put pressure on my bladder. Color me confused.

The awesome thing about him being where he is now is that he is no longer playing with my sciatic nerve like a guitar string. I now very rarely get the searing hot knife pain in my butt, or down my leg. Not having that is pure bliss.

1 comment:

  1. I never falter on the TP in any case. Charmin ultra strong or ultra soft is the best! I suggest you try that.
