Wednesday, May 27, 2009

At least it's not 6

Doctor's appointment today. Add about 5 more pounds to the total. That puts us at 21 pounds total so far. Not too bad. I have totally given in to the weight thing. There's no stopping it so why bother being bothered by it. I'll just keep doing what I have been doing and we'll figure it all out when the knocked up portion is over. See how far I've come? I think it helps that my stomach feels so big to me that I feel like every ounce I gain is going there and there only. It also helps that I was able to wear a pair of my regular pants on Monday. They were really low rise, but they were not maternity. No extra panel of comfort material there! It's unbelievable how comforting that was.

In other good news, I found out I am allowed to take Zyrtec. A miracle allergy medicine put on the earth by angels to stop suffering humans from removing their eyeballs to scratch them. It was either eyeball removal or I was going to take a blow torch to every lilac bush within a 24 mile radius. But now? Now I get to ingest the sweet nectar known as Zyrtec. I had to restrain myself from making out with my doctor when she told me.

The fetal movement is out of control. I sat on the couch last night watching the kid moving around. It is so strange. I thought feeling him move was weird. That's nothing compared to watching a part of your body move...and you are not the one moving it. The force of the movement is also impressive. I cannot wrap my brain around the fact that a baby the size of a pineapple can move with that much speed and power. He actually woke me up from a nap yesterday. Although since I had accidentally fallen asleep at my desk, at work, perhaps I should be thankful for his strength.

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