Thursday, April 30, 2009

Her Hugeness with all the being Huge

The hugeness has commenced. I know I have said this before, but this time I really mean it. I find myself staring at my stomach in sheer disbelief. It just looks so weird.

Last night I was standing in the bathroom, facing the mirror with my shirt pulled up over my belly. Just staring at it. Trav walked past. Stopped dead in his tracks. "Sheeeeesh. You are super preggo baby. We need a picture of this." It has gotten that big.

Then I was reading Your Pregnancy Week by Week, the book my doctor gave me at the beginning of this whole mess. Apparently I should plan on gaining about 1 pound a week from here on out. 1 pound a week. Interesante. If all things go as this book claims, that will be at least 11 more pounds. I have to say that will only put me at 22 pounds for the whole baby growing period, so I think I can handle that. I am just very afraid of what this belly is going to like when 11 more pounds pack their way on to my body. I am also very afraid of what my ass is going to look like. So far, it looks pretty normal. I think you would be pressed to be able to tell that there is a giant belly on the front of this body if you are only looking from the back. I may be insane, but that is how things feel and look from my perspective.

Back to the book. There isn't much development going on with Junior from here on out. Mostly he is just gaining weight and getting folds in his brain. His lungs are pretty much the only things that will continue to develop. This is good news because if he was born right now, he would have a pretty darn good shot at being a-ok. However, since the book doesn't have a ton to report on by way of development, it has taken a nasty turn to telling you a lot of things that could go or already have gone wrong. Like I learned last night you are not supposed to drink Green Tea for the 3 months before conception and not at all in the first trimester. That may be a problem. I had a giant mug of Green Tea every morning up until the morning after I peed on that tell tale stick. So, did that giant mug of Green Tea antioxidants cause problems in my kid? Here's the fun part...we won't know 'till he's born! Yea! This was one of a multitude of things the author discusses in the chapters I was reading last night. So now I have all these horrible maybe's and what if's running around in my head. For 11 more weeks. The book didn't say anything about massive amounts of ice cream being detrimental in any way so we should be good there.

Bring on the baby showers, I need some distraction from my own brain.

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