I cannot wait to not have to share my brain anymore. The whole pregnancy experience is interesting and even pretty cool sometimes. But this hopefully temporary loss of brains is killing me.
I still cannot form sentences correctly, and it is increasingly difficult to remember why I entered a room. But what is really bothering me is that I cannot seem to find the right words to express my thoughts. I know in my head what I want to say, but by the time the thought is coming out of my mouth, it sounds nothing like the original thought I was planning on conveying. And no amount of restructuring words makes it more clear. In fact it just seem to make it more confusing and then I end up having no idea what I was trying to say in the first place.
You want to be frustrated? Have an argument in which you know you have a strong point with which to stand your ground. Then lose all possible ability to express that point. Or any of the subpoints supporting your awesome point. Try multiple times to get your point out. Fail. Cry. Rinse and repeat.
Hormones are fun!
Then forget you even had the argument... Good then.