Friday, April 17, 2009

I vote no on the waddling.

While telling Kari that I am not enjoying the feeling of pelvic bones moving, she tells me what that means. I thought it just meant my body was preparing for its most horrific adventure yet. I wasn't far off. She was referring to the waddle. The dreaded waddle.

I have been trying to be a fairly cool pregnant chick so far. I am not by any means saying I have succeeded, but I think I am doing alright. Now who I ask you can pull off the cool pregnant chick with a waddle? No one. That's who.

I am convinced I am not going to waddle. Not going to happen. I am not a waddler. I realize this may be an unattainable goal, but I am going to try dammit.

Back to the cool pregnant chick thing. I think the main reason I am concerning myself with that is that I cannot believe how old having a kid is making me feel. Eh...maybe grown up is a better way to describe this feeling. Either way, it is not a feeling I am used to. It is also becoming a feeling that I am not sure I like very much. I liked the feeling of thinking I was not old enough to be a true grown up. Being responsible for a helpless human definitely falls in the grown up feeling category.

Walking throughout the mall with a giant bag of clothes from Motherhood, also a very old, grown up feeling. I am used to carrying Gap and American Eagle bags. Not big, pregnant, 31 year old woman bags. Those are reserved for my eyes.

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