How many fears can one person obsess about at once? A lot apparently. I am still having fears that I would consider normal for a 7 months pregnant person. Did you see that? I am 7 months pregnant. Good lord.
Anyway, I am worried that this kid is going to come out with eight eyes and one ear in the middle of his forehead, but I am also very scared about what is going to happen to this body of mine. I am hoping things will go back to semi-normal after this kid comes out. The fears I have I don't think are irrational, but I feel guilty for being so worried about them. Here they are:
1. What if my hips spread out and don't go back?
2. What if my "parts" stretch out and don't go back?
3. Will my ankles ever come back?
If I sit here long enough, I am sure I could make a list down to my little sausage toes, but who needs to see that? The guilty comes in because I feel like I should spend my worry on things not so...superficial. Like, oh I don't know, this kid being healthy. Yeah, that might be a good one. Or how about what kind of parents we will be? Nope. Lately, I just come right back to me. My body. What is going to happen to me? Yeah, I am going to be super at this selfless parenting thing.
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