Monday, March 23, 2009

Sleepy and Big.

I thought this was supposed to be the "fun" part of this whole knocked up thing. I am supposed to be glowing and full of energy. Ha! I am way more tired now than I have been since I peed on that stick. Don't get me wrong, I am perfectly happy to wear my couch out while donning super sexy sweatpants, but the whole work, laundry, getting the house ready for a miniature human, peeing constantly thing is getting in the way.

I know, I know...just wait 'till he's born, then I will know what tired is. I guess I will consider this preparation for the sleep deprived future.

While out and about at the roller derby this weekend, Travis told me I should not be worried about any weight gain because he "doesn't think my butt is getting big or anything." Ahhh...such a charmer. I have to admit, it was nice to hear though!

It's funny how even though now that I am "allowed" and encouraged to gain weight, it is still such a focus. Am I gaining the right amount? In the right places? Am I going to be able to lose the excess? When can I start doing crunches again? Not that I am trying to make some sort of social commentary here, but it is kinda sad that it just never feels like people, especially women, can escape the doom of their weight.

Either way, this stomach of mine is getting quite large. My feet have all but disappeared.

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