It's a boy! We saw boy parts twice! We are both super excited.
His stomach, kidneys, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, feet, hands and everything else are all in the right places. Everything measured right where it is supposed to be. He is a healthy normal growing little baby boy. Travis pretty much summed it up when he said he never thought he would be so happy hearing a doctor say the word "average" so many times. I mean we know this kid is going to be super duper extraordinary once he is born, but for now, I will take average and normal every time.
Ultrasound is the coolest thing ever. It is amazing how you can see everything. I mean how cool is it that we got to see his heart beating? And his arms moving. It was a huge relief to see him moving. The ultrasound tech held the wand thingy still for a minute because I couldn't tell if he was actually moving or if it was just because she was zooming all over the place. So cool. He was just hanging out in there. Moving his head and arms and legs all around. I could have sat there all day watching that screen. I feel much better about my ability to not screw up this baby growing business. Once it comes out? Different story.
It was awesome to tell our family and friends. Everyone is so excited about this kid! The support and love Travis and I have from our family and friends is amazing. I cannot imagine taking on this epic adventure without these people in our lives.
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