Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Too bad

Alex picked up some new phrases after hanging out with his cousins for almost a week.  Now anytime he likes something, it is Awesome!  "Mom, look!  This is AWESOME!"  And he kinda of says it in a yell whisper to really show his astonishment.

Now when he wants to show you something..."Hey, check this out!"  And since he's been back, he follows the dog around saying, "What's up Aiden?  What's up?"  Over and over and over.  She is super excited to have him home.

So far, there is only one phrase that is getting the nix.  "I don't care."  Oh?  You don't care that I am upset at you for not listening to a single word that comes out of my mouth?  You don't care that it's time for bed?  You don't care that I said no?  Tough shit kiddo.  I have been responding to "I don't care" with, "well, too bad."  So the other night when all hell broke loose because I was requiring the child to take a bath, immediately after he yelled that he didn't care, he yelled that it isn't too bad, Mom!

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