Thursday, June 7, 2012

Can't win

I was kicking ass this morning.  Folded and put away laundry, emptied the dish washer, got the boy and myself dressed and I still had some time to spare.  I also armed myself with multiple snacks in an attempt to wow my son.  I am an idiot for thinking that is an attainable goal.

I packed a bagel, Lucky Charms, crackers and juice.  As we started our journey, I told him I brought a bagel for him today and asked if he wanted it.  Yes please!  So I handed it back.  And instead of hearing Thank you!, I hear, " forgot the cream cheese."  Deep breath.  Ok, how about some Lucky Charms?  No.  Crackers?  Yes!  But "these aren't ABCD crackers."  Ya know what kiddo?  Suck it.

Then half way there, I remember it's Thursday.  AKA, show and tell letter day.  Not extremely helpful to remember that AFTER you have left the house.  But!  Today's letter is "M".  And I have.....Money!  Ha!  Score one for Mom.  Until I get there and actually read the note his teacher stuck to the door on MONDAY, telling us that today's show and tell is a special "sharing" show and tell.  So I was supposed to make sure he brought something share-able that started with M.  Of course he teacher picked on me for not bringing something to share.  So I told her to shut it and make some change.

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