Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy Monday Morning!

Saturday night we were really smart parents and let Alex stay up way way way too late.  Which was all fine until Sunday rolled around.  Holy mood swings Batman.  He was doing great until he only took a 1 hour nap.  And then all hell broke loose.

I stupidly let him watch an episode of Team UmiZoomi.  Dumb dumb dumb Mama.  As soon as it was over and I went to check the score of the Brewer's game, the world ended...and his TV privileges were revoked.  As much as I knew I could immediately end the obnoxious display of fit throwing by turning the TV back on, I stood my ground.  I refuse to let an almost 3 year old scream at me.  Especially if it is because he can't watch Milli weigh some shit with her weird ponytail scales.  After a 12 minute spaz-out, I convinced him to go outside and everything was fine until bed time.

For a hot second there, I had a glimpse of an easy putting the beast to bed adventure.  I said it was time for jammy's, he hopped off his chair, said goodnight to Kari and Brent and went into his room.  I peed a little out of delusional excitement and followed him in.  Silly lady.  I don't even know how long it took to get him to stay in bed, but I do know it took two Band-Aids, a cup of juice and a bowl of Cheez-Its.  These things were conceded after a zillion requests to hooooooooold him and read just one more book and let him read one more book to me.

After about two blissful hours of the boy being asleep, he woke up and he was not happy.  He wasn't quite awake, but he was pissed.  In a semi-lucid state of nightmare, he was crying and yelling about me making him sad and not holding him and yelling at him.  Yay for guilt trips!  It's so hard to not feel bad when I have to reprimand or, you know, be a parent, but wow.  I just sat there holding him feeling like pretty much the worst.  This You're An Awful Mom experience lasted for what seemed like forever, and then he finally fell asleep.  Only to wake up a half hour later to relive the whole thing again.

Needless to say, I was really tired this morning.  And I was rushed as due to the previous night's angry child, I didn't get to shower.  And then Travis decided to not leave at his usual time and was kinda lolli-gagging around, but apparently was too busy getting ready to help with anything.  Awesomesauce.  Finally I got sick of hoping he would help out and started barking orders.  Yay for fun Mom!

I was just about to leave, on time mind you, and I went to close the door to Alex's room so the dog wouldn't be able to get in and wreak havoc throughout the day.  And I stepped and slid in a giant puddle of dog pee.  And then in my tired frustrated attempt to mop up the mess, I accidentally grabbed toilet bowl cleaner instead of floor cleaner, and squirted it all over the floor.  All while my little angel watched and constantly asked why Aiden pooped in his room.  Well honey, apparently she hates me and wants to make me cry.  Congratulations dog!  Goal achieved!

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