Tuesday, October 4, 2011

She doesn't need help

My leg is pretty darn close to being back to normal, so I need to get back into the work-out swing of things.  Like I said before, the number on the scale hasn't changed, but I can tell I'm getting....squishier.  I don't like squishy.

I have been slowly getting back into running and am about a mile short of my normal route.  But every time, right at the beginning of that last mile, both hamstring connector points tighten up and things don't feel good.  So then I walk home.  Luckily the way my usual route goes, I am only about 2 blocks from home if I don't continue on in a round about way to get that last mile in.  So it's a quick walk of limpy leg shame.

Now that Mother Nature is back to showing us how much she hates us by making it dark ridiculously early in the evening, running is quickly becoming a non-option for exercise.  So I have ventured back into the dark cold scary world of Jillian Michaels.  And once again, Level 1 is pretty much a total bitch to get through.

Since Alex's bed time is now 8 o'clock, he is awake when I do whatever exercise is happening that evening.  After asking a zillion questions, he now understands that when I harness up the dog and grab my headphones, I am going running for exercise.  Last night confused him all over again.  I turned on Jillian and started jump jacking my way to the 7th circle of hell when he strolled into the living room.  "What doing Mama?"  When I replied that I was exercising, he looked at me like I was nuts and asked if I was taking Aiden with me.  And then he sat and watched me work out.  Alternating between watching the video and watching me, all while continually asking "What doing?"

Trav came in and got Alex in his pajamas but immediately released him back into the wild.  The very last thing you do in Level 1 is 1 full horrible excruciating minute of bicycle crunches.  I thought they were bad before.  But last night Alex decided to help me.  His version of help was sitting/bouncing on my stomach for the full minute..laughing like a dinosaur pajama clad maniac the entire time.

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