Monday, January 31, 2011


My cold is still here. I am quite positive my weekend activities did nothing to help. But Alex was in Platteville all weekend. And Mariah had a fundraiser. And Bandung has really yummy food and nutty coconut drinks. There was no staying home and laying low for this lady!

I did however sleep like there was no tomorrow. Saturday, I didn't get out of bed until 11:45am. That is a solid 5-6 hours of sleeping in. And it was glorious. And then I took a 3 hour nap on Sunday. Eat really good food, drink really yummy drinks, sleep like a hibernating bear. A girl could get used to that schedule.

I did miss Alex though, so it was nice to see him when he got home. But then the tantrums started. Apparently he saved them up for us all weekend. According to his aunt and uncle, there was not one single fit thrown while he was gone. I realize the undivided attention of their entire family most likely was a big factor in the lack of tantrums, but I have to admit I am super jealous. He did make up for it by being really snuggley while we read books though. Only to sleep like an angel and wake up like a demon. And I am pretty sure I just cleaned snot off my sleeve. Ahhh...back to reality.

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