Friday, January 7, 2011


Last night was horrendous. Alex woke up and woke me up, which woke the dog up, 7 times. Notice Travis's name was not mentioned in the previous sentence. The one where I announced the kid woke the dog and me up SEVEN TIMES last night. Wanna take a stab at how many times Travis woke up? 0.5. And I am being generous with that. He gets the 0.5 because ONE of the times I came back to bed, he kinda-sorta-half-assed lifted his head and asked if Alex woke up because of the airplane flying over our house. Yes honey, that's it. Our child, the one that has slept through every other single airplane flying over our house, woke up in fits because of that one plane.

I don't know what the hell Alex's damage was last night, but good gravy. I am guessing it has something to do with that fact that he and one of the kids at daycare keep passing the same cold back and forth and he is insanely stuffed up, but holy shit man. Not only was he waking up, but he was waking up, standing up, turning on the light in his room, and throwing his blankets and nuk on the floor. And after all these tasks were accomplished, he would stand there, looking at the pile of blankets and nuk, crying/screaming/yelling/coughing. At which point, I would wake up, wait a bit for him to stop, get my butt out of bed and go downstairs, pick up his blankets, renuk the little spaz, turn off the light and go back to bed. After the third go 'round of this, I got so irritated, I duct taped his light switch in the off position.

I am getting better about letting him cry and figure out how to get himself back to sleep, but the blanket throwing thing got me. Am I supposed to let him cry until exhaustion and then freeze? 'Cause that seems above and beyond cruel.

At one point, I had been asleep for about 15 mins, and the dog sensed the danger of a rabbit crossing our driveway. So she let out an incredible alert bark montage. I bolted up in bed, Alex started crying, Travis snored. It was at the point I started yelling about hating my life and the fact that clearly nobody in our house gives a shit about my sanity. The response I got? "BARK BARK BARK CRY CRY CRY SNOOOOOOOOORE"

If you need me, I will be the one with half open blood shot eyes putting on a stellar performance at my job today.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds TERRIBLE! I hope you get some sleep this weekend.
