Friday, January 14, 2011

To the brink...and beyond.

Today marks the second day in a row Alex has decided 5:00AM is an appropriate time to wake up. Like wide awake, ready to start his day, kind of wake up. Not a sleepy, I was uncomfortable wake up...a full on Let's do this! wake up. At which point, I was woken up by hearing "Uh-oh." through the monitor. That's always promising. When I got to his room he was standing there gazing down at his blankets on the floor. He is apparently not a quick study with the whole dropping his blankets over the edge and not being able to reach them. Or maybe I am the one that isn't a quick study since he is using me as a live action grabber arm thingy. Short story long, he was awake, I was awake. Lame.

I need to preface the rest of this with the information that for some reason beyond my grasp I have been sleeping horribly all week. I am having a hell of a time getting to sleep, and once I finally do, I can't stay asleep. Lots of tossing, turning, pillow flipping, clock staring. Oh, and for the better part of yesterday I felt like I was getting the flu. K. I think I am done justifying my actions.

This morning was fine aside from the ridiculous waking time, except Alex only wanted to be with Travis. Which was all good and well until Travis had to leave. Then Alex realized he was stuck with me. The evil one that won't let him play in the kitchen sink with knives and dirty dishes. And thus the tantrum started. I ignored it as long as I could but we had to get going so I picked him up, got him to stop crying, and then set him down to put on his coat. And he ran away from me. When I got a hold of him he made his arms limp so I couldn't get them into his coat sleeves. Oh yeah, and the tantrum started again. And that is where I lost it. I jammed his little dead worm arm through the sleeve of his coat while yelling and obnoxiously imitating his tantrum. Shockingly, he started crying. A lot. Like the kind of crying that makes you catch your breath in short, sharp little gasps. Of course I instantly felt like a jack-ass and the worst mother in the world.

The entire ordeal was over in seconds. A hug and a cup of Fruit Loops and all was right in the world. Well, in his world. I still feel like a big jerk.

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