Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Shocked me again

I received a text from daycare yesterday. Getting texts from daycare always scares the pants right off me. Every time I am expecting them to say, "That's it. We're done with him." And I will have to go get him, only to find him sitting outside with all his stuff in a bundle hanging from a stick like a hobo. Yesterday was not that day!

The message yesterday was to inform me, in all CAPS, that Alex "PEED ON THE POTTY!" I fell over from shock, sat back up and texted back the completely mature response of "SHUT UP!" His teacher was putting the kids on the toilet just to introduce the idea to them. She sat Alex on it, he sat there looking at her, she said, "Ok, go pee.", and he did. She wasn't expecting him to actually do it, so he ended up peeing on his shirt, but he did it. And then he did it again later in the afternoon...sans the peeing on the shirt part.

I wasn't even close to thinking about letting this kid out of diapers, so I am not exactly feeling mentally prepared to tackle that giant Cerberus. I am also assuming yesterday's events were a fluke and this is not yet going to be his normal mode of excreting waste, but it is just another thing that proves he will get older. And while I am impatiently waiting for him to be able to better express himself, I am not so keen on the him growing up thing.

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