Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Oh Sugar!

The time has come. I have to alter the language I use when the beast can hear me. It's all rainbows and butterflies when he imitates me throwing my head back in laughter...not so much when he drops an f bomb.

Kari and I were in her living room with Trevor and Alex. Alex was climbing on me, the couch, the ottoman, the chair, and anything else that would hold still. During his adventures on the couch he accidentally knocked a pillow onto the floor. He looked down at it, and clear as day said, "Fuck." At least he used it at the right time. I mean I am not sure something as small as a pillow falling on the floor warrants that particular expletive, but all around good understanding of context.

So now here I am, trying to clean up my potty mouth. Suddenly, phrases like, Oh Sugar! or Oh Fudge! or Jimminy Crickets! or Son of a Biscuit! are running through my head. And all I can picture is my mom or one of my mom's friends using those phrases. It's funny, but each phrase is specific to a certain person in my memory. Son of a Biscuit was totally my mom. I am pretty sure she started using that one shortly after some magazines fell off a shelf and I looked at her and said "Son a bitch huh mom?"

I have realized though, using the nice versions of swear words...? Sooooo not the same. Sugar! just doesn't pack the same punch as Shit! And don't even get me started on how less than gratifying Oh Fudge! is.

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