Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Totally calm and rational.

Well the first impromptu doctor appointment of this baby growing process was this morning. My blood pressure isn't super duper, not horrible, but not great. And I have this weird tingly hot spot on my stomach. And my feet are ridiculously swollen. And I feel like I could puke pretty much at any moment of every day. So my doctor wanted an extra appointment just to check in on things.

Everything has been cruising along so normally, it was kind of shocking to have her say she wanted to see me when I called yesterday about the weird tingly hot spot. It's amazing how quickly one can go from feeling like a giant whale that has a decent handle on things to being a freaked out whale that has no idea what to expect. Now I was told my doctor was not super concerned and that she just wanted to check in with me. But since I have never had her want to check in with me aside from regular appointments, this did not sit well in my brain. Within four minutes, I was certain I was either going to have to have an emergency C-Section this morning or was going to be put on bed rest for the remaining cook time. So what if I felt fine except for this tingly hot spot? The tingly hot spot clearly is indicative of something horrendous that is going to need immediate and extreme measures to be dealt with. Or My body is adjusting to having an alien growing inside of it and weird things happen. Clearly the tingly hot spot was plotting to take over the pregnant belly at a time, and I just happened to be the first victim of its evil plot.

Not shockingly, everything is fine. My blood pressure is a little high, but not throwing up too big of a red flag yet. And, I know it is surprising, but swollen feet and nausea happen to be totally normal for this point in a pregnancy. Basically I just have to pay attention to my body and give my doctor a call if anything like blurry vision or headaches pop up. Ha! Take that tingly hot spot. Your world domination will have to wait for another day.

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