Thursday, June 18, 2009

Creepy dolls

A while back I went shopping for a doll that makes crying sounds in an attempt to get the dog used to such noises. This plan was quickly foiled when I got super creeped out by a shelf full of plastic dolls all making mechanical cooing sounds at me while blinking their eyes. Stephen King has nothing on that Target display.

Luckily, our friend Molly recently acquired just such a doll. She was with me for the horrific Target experience so she pretty much wanted the doll out of her house. Ipso facto, it is now living at my house. It is a Baby Annabel doll and it is pretty realistic. If you leave it on, it will cry and need to be soothed, it will suck on a pacifier, and it will make cooing noises and giggles if it is content.

Last night was the first night we had this doll. For my sanity, we didn't leave it on all night, but we did leave it on for a bit so it would make noise to see what the dog did. At first we were all in the nursery and Travis was holding the doll. Aiden just kept looking at it with her head tilted, like, "Hey, whatcha got there? Can I see?" So Trav let her sniff it while it was making noise. She sniffed it once and then was done. So we put the doll in the crib, still making noise, and walked out of the nursery. She followed us out and didn't look back. Even as the doll continuously made noise. Did I mention this thing makes a lot of noise?

Now, I understand this was just one night. And that the doll doesn't take our attention away from her like this kid is going to...But at least the first encounter with something that makes noise that she isn't allowed to carry around with her went well.

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