For most of my adult life, I didn't think I wanted to have any kids. In all honesty I never really gave it much thought. I continued on with the idea of offspring hangin' out somewhere in the vicinity of Mars...until we got married. Then pretty much every single person I knew started asking when we were going to have kids. I had a very standard answer: I have a bar, a dog and a Travis. No need for more things to take care of.
And then 3 years later we were in Platteville. And I went to the bathroom. And there were MatchBox cars in the bathtub. And in a split second, something changed. When we got home that night, I casually mentioned to Travis how cute I thought the cars in the bathtub were. He looked up kinda suddenly and I saw it in his face. He saw the cars too and something changed for him too. In that moment in a bathroom in Platteville, looking at MatchBox cars that were forgotten when the house was being cleaned, we each realized we wanted MatchBox cars in our bathtub.
Enter Alex T. Julius.
Last night, after the hectic hours between getting home and getting the beast to bed, I went to turn the light off in the bathroom, and on the floor mat between the sink and the tub, two little wet footprints took my breath away. Now I can add wet Alex footprints to the list of things I never knew I always wanted.
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