Friday, May 11, 2012

Good Morning!

Since I'm pretty sure I haven't mentioned it before, I'm gonna say it now...I love Alex's daycare so much.  They are just so nice and willing to help and teaching-ful and good stuff all around.

We got there today and as I was putting his stuff away, his teacher called him over.  I had my back to them, but I heard her whisper something to him and then I heard MOM! from him.  I turned around to find him standing behind me holding a plate with a piece of apple cinnamon coffee cake, two strawberries, and a piece of melon. He looks up at me beaming and says, "Happy Mothers'!  Look!  It's your favorite dinner!"  And then he swiped one of my strawberries.

So yeah, they made special breakfast plates for all the moms addition to two other Mothers' Day art projects I have been watching evolve this week.  I realize all schools/daycares do stuff for Mothers' and Fathers' Day, but it's just the extras like a surprise breakfast that makes a difference to me.

Warm fuzzies for everyone!

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