Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I have turned a corner.  I am ready to have this kid potty trained.  Mostly because he now just takes his diaper off whenever he has made a mess of it.  Doesn't matter what it is, if it is dirty, he takes it off...and more often than not leaves it wherever he has removed it.  Which is just super.  Especially when he has pooped and I have to then go on a turd hunt.  You would think/hope the turds would stay with the diaper, but no... for two reasons.  First, he poops like a rabbit.  It's weird.  Second, his removal process is not exactly fine tuned.  He undoes the tabs, stands with his feet apart and bounces until the diaper falls to the floor.  Efficient?  Yes.  Poo flight-avoiding?  Not so much.

This whole process has also taught me there is absolutely no accomplishment that I won't be glowingly proud of.  I cannot stop a completely goofy smile when he pees in a toilet.  So there we are, in our minuscule bathroom, me sitting on the edge of the tub, his butt firmly planted on a potty seat of train decor.  And as soon as he pees, my inner sappy cheerleader comes out.  Yay!  Pee!

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