Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mile Marker 88

I have completed 88 of the 195.1 miles of this half-marathon training journey.  AKA:  training that is making me question my ability to make sound life decisions.  But 88 miles in, and so far so good...ish.  My shins hurt like hell.  I am really trying to shorten my stride since that is apparently supposed to help.  Not an easy task.  Hamstring is hanging in there.  Sore and in need of a lot of stretching, but hangin' in there.  

Kari and I ran 10 of those miles on Sunday.  All at once.  And we only stopped to choke down some Gu at the half way point.  Ya did just fine on the flavor Gu company, but the consistency could use a little bit of vast improvement.  It's kinda like squeezing a packet of cold blackberry flavored Neosporin or V05 in your mouth...and then trying to swallow it before you barf.  But I will tell you, it works.  I didn't get a energy burst or anything, but there was a noticeable loosening of my muscles.  Muscles there were getting pretty up in my business about their opinion of said 10 mile run.  I will also tell you, do not put said gel pack in the little zipped pocket on the waistband of your running pants because the storage pouch on your water bottle has your phone stuffed in it.  The waistband of your pants is, you know, against your waist.  Your hot, sweaty, has just run 5 miles in 70 degree sunshine waist.  That gel shit is nasty without being body temp. 

My weight, however, has not changed.  At all.  I can tell some of my fat has morphed into muscle, but that stupid red LED number hasn't moved.  My rings are all loosey goosey and spinning now, so that's fun.  I am really hoping for a jeans size change before the end of this.  We shall see.

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