Thursday, March 22, 2012

Heebie Jeebies

Yesterday's afternoon pick-up included a quiet conversation with Alex's teacher informing me they encountered multiple ticks on the playground that afternoon.  Ick.  Gross.  Nast.  Anywho, she did a quick check of the kids when they came in, but just wanted to let me know to maybe check him a little more thoroughly.  I, of course, forgot.

We were outside playing/ripping out my daffodils because why could I ever have anything pretty, and I put my hand on the back of his head...and felt a weird bump.  The earlier conversation came flooding back into my brain as I pushed his hair aside only to see a gross nasty little fat gross tick stuck in my baby's head.  Bug head stuck in, gross little legs all squirmy.  Yeah..I kinda freaked a little.

I did my best to hide my inner dialogue of "YUUUUUUUUCK!" and told him we needed to go inside and get Daddy's help.  Travis was on the phone, most likely with someone work related, and I busted into the kitchen holding Alex football style and calm-loudly said, "Daddy, we have a T-I-C-K."  His reaction was not immediate gagging so clearly he did not grasp what I was saying.  So I just looked at him and said, "Like IN his head."

Apparently dabbing a little rubbing alcohol on the little bastards makes them back right out of MY BABY'S HEAD for easy removal.  I watched the entire process from afar.  While trying not to scratch off my skin and simultaneously barf.  Ticks are so gross.  They burrow.  INTO YOUR BODY.  They are so gross in fact, I am not even going to apologize for my assault on your eyes with blatant overuse of capital letters.  SO.  GROSS.

Anyway, a rubbing alcohol soaked Q-Tip and an Aim 'n Flame later, we were rid of the tick.  Don't ask me about the whole burning the tick.  That was all Trav.  No clue.

1 comment:

  1. seriously you don't know about burning the tick? Didn't you grow up in Wisconsin? Of COURSE you need to burn the tick. Otherwise the little shit WON'T DIE! I once put one down the garbage disposal ("ON") only to find him the next morning crawling up the side of the sink. Ditto with flushing down the toilet. Trust me, burning is the answer.
    Now, that part about alcohol I did not know. I just pluck 'em wit my fingers.
    Isn't it a tad bit early for ticks?????
