Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Can you hear me now?

Alex's listening skills are a bit....lacking lately.  Last night was a stellar performance in just straight up ignoring us.  He started with not getting out of the refrigerator when asked.  Continued on by looking at me when I told him not to ride his bike around the corner, only to then ride his bike around the corner while laughing hysterically.  Then it was time for a bath.  He thinks it is terribly funny to lay on his belly and slurp up bath water.  I happen to think that is disgusting.  And we know from experience he will continue to drink his bath water until he barfs.

Normally my threats of removing him from the bath if he drinks the water are enough to stop him dead in his tracks.  The past couple of baths, when I tell him not to drink the bath water, he is very quick to tell me it's not bath water, it's coffee.  Oh, ok then, go ahead, drink up little man.

Last night he took a big ol' mouth full and I looked him in the eye and told him if he drank his bath water again, he had to get out the tub.  He took another big gulp and before I could say anything, he looked up and said, "MooooOoooOOOOooom...I just drinked it."  All sing-songy and sassy.  I immediately opened the drain and pulled his sassy slippery little ass out of that tub.  And the crying started.  And then there was begging.  And then a super sad, tear streaked face telling me I made him cry.  Sure did dude.

The thing that kills me is that he knows I am gonna follow through on whatever consequence I give him.  He has experienced it.  But then he still chooses to intentionally be a shit.  When does cause and effect sink in?  Hopefully soon.

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