Friday, April 29, 2011

Give me the hose

I am trying to be more cognizant of how much water I drink each day. Two reasons. First, someone I know has started a detox that requires a ridiculous amount of liquid consumption and it brought my non-alcoholic liquid consumption to my attention. Second, during the last couple Level 3 workouts, I have had little bouts of "Holy shit I think I might pass out." Aside from the torture that is Level 3, I think this is due to lack of hydration. So, I am drinking more water while I sit on my slowly decreasing ass at work all day. Trying to fill my 20oz water bottle 3 times a day. Quick math, carry the one...60oz.

I thought it was going to be difficult to get that much aqua in my belly. But here's the thing that has me all confused. It hasn't been difficult because it seems the more water I drink, the thirstier I am. What the? Who the? How the hell is that happening? The only conclusion I have come to is that I am just more aware of my thirst. It's either that or I am a freak of nature and my body doesn't understand when to be thirsty and when to be quenched.

Whatever the reason, the past three days have turned me into a well hydrated peeing machine.

1 comment:

  1. Increasing my liquid intake has caused me to pee so frequently, it reminds me of your blogs back when you were pregnant. :)
