Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jerk? Or just 2?

Four days a week, Alex has the same teacher. One day a week he has a different teacher. This week that day was Tuesday. When I picked him and asked how his day was, she informed me he was more aggressive than normal. Taking toys away, not sharing, hitting when he doesn't get what he wants, lovely things like that. So yesterday I asked his regular teacher about it. Her response? "Well, yeah, I mean I suppose, but it isn't any different than any other day." Awesome.

He does do a lot of really sweet things too. He will ask if you're ok if you say ouch, he will do any job you ask of him...which is fantastic when it comes to throwing away stink-nasty diapers...he blows kisses, he has full on conversations filled with incredible stories. At least I think they are filled with incredible stories. Those conversations are a little one-sided and that side is mostly jibberish. Point being, he is not a total asshole all the time. Actually most the time he is a really sweet, good kid. But when he wants to be a jerk, he is wholly successful.

Anyway, I was all bothered by his aggressive behavior last night so when I got to daycare today I made sure to talk to his regular teacher about it. I told her it was bugging me and I thought we needed a plan. I mean I have no plan, but I thought she should be aware of hopefully forthcoming plan. Or, you know, tell me the plan. Because, psssst...I have no freaking idea what I am doing. Her suggestions are to keep up with the time-outs and also be more strict on making sure he apologizes to anyone he is mean to. Both sound reasonable to me.

So then I asked her if she thought this is all typical 2 year old behavior, or if my kid is just a jerk. When she got done laughing, she said she's 99% sure it's just because he is almost 2. Speaking of which, HE IS ALMOST 2. Weirdness.

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