Monday, April 4, 2011

Come on!

It never ceases to amaze me how many things Alex learns, and then mimics, from watching us. He now walks to the back door, pushes it slightly open and yells for the dog while attempting to whistle..."'mon A-en! Fffstaluuu!" The look on the dog's face is pricless. She just gives a "yeeeahhh...right." and walks away. That dog has quickly learned to cherish the kid-free time she gets.

One thing I didn't even realize we do, that he now does constantly, is grab our hands and tell us to "'mon." Every time he does it, a montage of images of me grabbing his hand and telling him to "come on" with me plays through my mind on super fast. He does this every single time he wants us to go somewhere. Lately he has been leading me to a tiny closet in the house. Pulling on my hand and directing me to 'mon! until we are both in the closet. Then I am instructed to sit. And then he closes the doors and leaves. Occasionally he comes back.

Friday morning he got sick at daycare. Twice. His teacher took him into the bathroom in an attempt to save the carpet. It was there he did something she said she has never seen a small child do. Apparently he immediately crouched over with his head over the toilet. As she was telling me this story this morning, I was wondering how he would have known to do that. The mortifying answer popped into my brain right as the teacher was smiling and insinuating that maybe he had seen me throwing up when suffering from "the flu". Yeah...that would be the flu Stoli causes. I am a shining example of classy parenting. But! Kinda nice that once he figures out how to anticipate being sick he already knows to puke in the toilet...right?

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