Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Side? Side? Side?

This child's love of outside knows no competition. Well, maybe his blankets...scratch that. Outside wins. He will drop those blankets in a heartbeat if it means he can go outside. I am happy he wants to be outside, but I really wish his obsession with it could've waited a couple months.

It is warmer this week, but that is only an advantage for me or whatever adult is outside with him. Alex could care less about the temperature. This was proven about three months ago when he was hysterical that he wasn't outside with Travis while Trav put the Christmas lights on the house. So I bundled us up and outside we went. And when he was so cold his cheeks were bright red, his eyes were watering and his nose was running, I took him inside. Under complete and total protest...in the form of lurching and arching and screaming and flailing. That would be the thanks I get for not letting him freeze into a toddler Popsicle!

So it is better now that it isn't so cold. But man that kid is persistent. From the moment he wakes up until it is bedtime, he is requesting to go outside. Which is pretty cute if you can get past the frustrating repetitiveness of it. He gets his eyes as big as he can and just keeps repeating, "side?side?side?side?" And then, 9 times out of 10 we get to crush his hopes and dreams and tell him that no, no we are not going outside right now. Fun!

Last night when we got home it was nice out so we stayed outside. He spent some time shoveling the snow out of the drifts and back onto the sidewalk and then we went for a little walk. And that is when he did something I didn't realize I have been waiting for. He sought out every single puddle and stomped in them as hard as he could. And it was awesome.

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