Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'll be back Jillian

It took about a month, but I have re-reached the 25lb mark...AND BEYOND! 27lbs!

My relationship with Jillian has been on a small hiatus due to some naughty dysplastic cells in a little freckle/mole situation on my back. On my lower right back. Exactly a pressure point for reverse crunches, pike crunches, leg lift crunches, and a bad stretching point for walk-out push-ups. So I have had to limit some bending and contorting Jillian requires. BUT...I have been more diligent about the amount of food I cram in my mouth hole every time I sit down to eat and low and behold, I think it might be helping. I have once again remembered that I can be satisfied without being able to actually feel my stomach stretching from overeating. Weird.

About the funky skin cells. I had/have some sort of beautiful, self-confidence boosting eczema thing going on on my face which prompted a visit to the doctor. While I was there I had her do an all over skin check figuring nothing exciting was happening, but may as well while I was there. There were three spots that concerned her, so off to the dermatologist I went. They took "punches" of the trouble spots to send to biopsy, and one came back not normal. So, the dermatologist went ahead and removed margins from around the not normal spot. Now, this freckle/mole was about the size of a pea. And a small pea at that. Apparently she wanted a lot of margins because I now have a 1&1/4" incision on my back. But I will take the scar happily since the second biopsy came back all good.

It was very strange waiting for the results to come back. I haven't had to get results like that before. It's amazing what scenarios an imagination can come up with in a week's time while waiting for a letter from the doctor.

Anywho, all's well and I am 108 sticks of butter lighter than I was 9 months ago!

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