Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Every once in a while something comes up that just makes me stop and say, "Wow. Really? Have humans devolved to this?" Today is one of those times.

I went to Target over my lunch to buy a new toothbrush as my darling son thought it was downright hilarious to throw mine in the toilet. I almost attempted to wash it in really really hot water and still use it, but quickly I came to my senses and opted to spend the $2 on a new toothbrush. After finding my new toothbrush, I searched through every check-out lane for a peanut butter Twix, but was thwarted so I settled for a Kit Kat Dark. Made my purchases, headed back to the office, ate lunch and prepared to slowly devour my delicious Kit Kat. And it was at this precise moment I lost all faith in humanity.

The following was printed on the back wrapper:

Lift Flap and Tear at End

Are you kidding me? People need instructions on how to open a Kit Kat?! Here's my new theory...If you are not smart enough to figure out how to get past the thin plastic wrapper holding your Kit Kat, you are not allowed to have a Kit Kat.

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