Monday, August 31, 2009


So Friday was Alex's two month appointment. He is now officially 10lbs 11oz and 21" long. The boy needs to do some growing. Aside from still being tiny, he is doing well. We got some advice on getting his head to stop plopping over on his left shoulder, and his belly button got looked at again. The umbilical cord still hasn't completely fallen off. It looks rather nasty. It's still really big in diameter and then has a little button-like lump of skin sitting on top. The doctor claims this is very common and he will in fact have a normal belly button when all is said and done. He's been right about other stuff so far, so I guess I will believe him. I just wish the falling off process would hurry up.

Alex also got his first round of vaccinations at this appointment. I am so so so happy I was busy picking friends up at the airport and couldn't go. I mean I feel bad that I made Travis go alone to such a horrific event, but I do not think I would have handled it well. Based on the smear of blood on his little leg when he got home, I am pretty sure I would assaulted the nurse stabbing my kid in the leg. He got three shots and had three little round Band-Aids. You can imagine how happy he was to have those removed. I told Travis to just leave them until his next bath and we would soak them off, but he wanted them off for some reason. I think I may have to take Alex to his next round of shots since Trav was upset enough by the whole situation to say, "If either of those nurses get near my kid again I am going to punch them in the boob."

Other than the trauma of getting stabbed three times in the leg, the appointment went well. Alex was in a good mood for the rest of the day, with a little help from our friend Tylenol. And now he is safe from wretched diseases that I guarantee would suck more than the shots.

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