Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm baaaaaack

Here I am. Back in the office. It's weird.

It feels good to talk to adults throughout the day. Not that I didn't enjoy talking to the dog and Alex, but you start feeling a little loony-toons when you are the only one talking all day and nobody answers you. Especially when the two you are talking to pretty much only respond with a blank stare. I could be juggling bananas while riding a blindfolded llama and those two would have the same exact expression as if I were reading the nutritional facts of oatmeal aloud in a monotone voice.

It also feels good to have the people I work with on a daily basis happy that I am back. I am no rock star at my job, there are many that can attest to that, but it's nice to hear my efforts were missed. Although the whole working full time thing...yeah...not so much. I liked my naps on my lounge chair in the sun in the backyard. The computer monitor doesn't give my face the same golden glow.

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