Monday, August 10, 2009

Bring It On Baby.

I can't lie. This whole having a baby thing is hard. It's not like I thought this was going to be a cakewalk. I knew it was going to be hard. But there is no way you can prepare for something of this magnitude. I mean you prepare as much as you can. You buy all the right stuff, diapers, blankets, pacifiers, onesies. May I also suggest earplugs and a full body rain slicker.

This kid has some ability for screaming. He is still pretty itty bitty so he can't get a ton of steam behind his screaming. Don't let his littleness fool you though. He's got some skills in the department of screaming. He gets about a 6 on the volume scale, but a perfect 10 for endurance. Time is not an issue. He's got all the time in the world. And what better to fill all the time in the world with than screaming like a baboon on meth.

Now on to the necessary need to cover yourself in any material that repels wetness. I feel this may be more important for people that have baby boys. Although I am guessing baby girls can do a stellar job of out peeing the capacity of a about 27 seconds. Alex has perfect the "fooled you" diaper filling. Both with pee and poop. I once again thought I was smarter than a 6 week old. Not the case. We had another free pooping episode yesterday. And a free peeing episode. I'll learn one of these days.

The other wetness is the spitting up. Normally not a big deal, catchable by a burp cloth. But every once in a while, oh baby. I don't understand how he isn't instantly hungry. It's like the whole bottle comes back up. Luckily that very rarely happens. But it is kinda scary when it does. Yet another thing to keep you feeling like you have no idea what is lurking around every corner to jump out and attack your face like a rabid raccoon.

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