Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mama makes the rules!

Last night very quickly became a battle of wills between the beast child and me.  He was in a straight up pushing boundaries type of mood.  I told him he couldn't pick the tomatoes because they are not ripe yet, he said he just wanted to watch them grow.  I told him to put his underwear back on after peeing off the back steps, he threw them in the air and ran away laughing.  I told him he could have some watermelon for a snack, he wanted a popsicle.  Round and round and round we went.

I could feel my breaking point inching closer and closer and I finally asked him, "Why why why must you fight me on everything?!?!"

He stopped dead in his tracks, faced me with an exasperated look, shrugged shoulders, his arms out to the side with palms facing up and informed me, "I have to fight you because I don't know the rules!"

Well then darling son of mine, let me teach you the rules.  They're real simple.

Whatever Mama says is the rules.  End of lesson.

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