Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Diapers be gone!

So, I think we edging in on the completion of potty training.  I mean he still will pretty much only pee outside when we are at home, but it's better than in his pants.  Knock on wood, but he has only had one accident in more than a week.  And that one was because I forgot to tell his teacher he wasn't wearing a diaper in the morning, so she didn't send him to the bathroom before breakfast, and he was apparently a little too preoccupied with food to realize he had to pee.  Whoopsiedoodle!

Last night put the nail in the last of my doubts.  He has become a ninja at getting out of his room.  I am assuming I am just sleeping heavily enough that I don't hear the door open, but it takes quite a bit to open his door.  It sticks terribly and usually makes a pretty substantial noise when you do manage to pry it open.  But once again last night I didn't wake up until I heard him creeping up the 3:26AM...after he had already woken up once at 2:27AM.  I heard the stairs and bolted up only to see his little head peering around the banister.  I could see his little head because downstairs was lit up like a roman candle and the light was flooding the staircase.

So I got up, and as I was picking him up to take him back downstairs, I realized he was naked from the waist down.  Definitely different than how I put him to bed.  When I asked where his diaper was, he told me he just took it off because he had to pee. Immediately flashes of pee soaked beds and clothes and blankets and floors zoomed through my brain.  Alas, I was wrong to jump to conclusions.

We got downstairs to the bathroom and there was no pee on the floor.  Every single one of his five blankets was on the bathroom floor, but no pee.  He had woken up, taken off his diaper, threw it in the garbage, went in the bathroom, positioned his step stool and potty seat and peed.  I was so proud.  So tired, but so proud. Not only did he wake up to pee and do it on his own, but he also managed to actually use our fancy indoor plumbing!

I am really looking forward to when I am proud of accomplishments that don't include human waste.

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