Wednesday, November 16, 2011


My son is bipolar.  Or he is just a normal 2 year old lunatic.  Whatever.

We went from happily hanging out at home to screaming about getting in the car (complete with whacking me in the face) to playfully running into daycare to screeching and clawing at me while I tried to leave.  Multiply that by 2.5 and you have the last two mornings and one afternoon.

I get that he is a toddler.  I get there is a reason it's called the Terrible Two's.  I get that 3 years is even worse.  But man oh man would I like to be better at dealing.  I just wish I could get myself to not be so frustrated.  To not let it get to me and affect my entire day.  Admittedly, having a wrecking ball with legs screaming and flailing at you at 7:15 in the morning is not my ideal way to start my day, but c'mon Jackie.  Let's move past it.  He's 2.  You are a grown ass woman.

All that being said, I do not want to be a parent that just serenely ignores the tantrum and takes the mental and sometimes physical beat down.  I don't think that slowly and calmly and deliberately telling him his behavior is not ok is teaching him anything.  How will he gauge how it really feels for other people when you hurt them if I take all emotion out of my behavior?  Isn't that just setting him up for interpersonal failure?

What's that you say?  Happy medium?  Yeah, I'm workin' on it.

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