Thursday, November 17, 2011

House of Parrot

In an effort to make sure I am understanding the "words" coming out of my darling boy's mouth, I have acquired an incredibly annoying habit.  He says something, I repeat it, but with a question mark.

Alex:  I want ald khfoai hvfa norjf...pweeeeeeease.
Me:  You want another piece of ravioli?
Alex:  Yay-esssss.

Now, this wouldn't be too much of an issue..Well except for the people around us that have to listen to me constantly repeating my kid.  But here's the thing.  He has started to repeat everything I say now.  Remember that game we all played as kids where you would repeat everything someone else said to make sure you were annoying the ever loving shit out of them?  Yeah.  It's a lot like that.  Except in this version of the game I am not allowed to get annoyed because my kid is just imitating what he sees.  There is no malicious intent in this game.

I guess I should be happy he is making sure he understands what is going on around him and isn't just being a shit.  Silver lining, right?  Very thin silver lining.

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