Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wait! Stop! Not so fast!

Travis put new thresholds between the kitchen and the living room and the kitchen and Alex's room.  The one to the living room took a hit on Tuesday night.  I have no idea how it happened, but Alex told me he accidentally broke it and when I looked down it was pulled up on one side and bent.  I thanked him for telling me and he responded with, "Silly me.  Accidents happen!" and trotted off to torture-hug the dog some more.

The little plastic thingers that hold the metal piece down broke and of course couldn't be pulled back up, so Travis had to drill them out.  Alex wanted to help.  Which resulted in one of Trav's drill bits going right through one of the already drilled holes and directly into the basement.  No biggie, just an added adventure to a relatively dull task.

As Alex was laying on his belly on the kitchen floor, he looked at the 70's era linoleum we have and declared that the design looks just like a flower.  We all agreed.  And then the fact that Alex is a full-on little boy that is learning things bigger than his ABC's at daycare ran over us like a freight train.  As if it was something he had always known, Alex told us that flowers have nectar and that bees and butterflies like nectar.

Ummm....what.  How do you know that?  When have you ever heard of nectar?  Why are you so old!?!

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