Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Makin good life choices

The longer days have made it so much easier for me to start running again.  It's been quite a while.  Between it getting dark at 3 in the afternoon and the longest recovery ever from smashing into a tree whilst sledding, I had a way too long of a hiatus from my beloved Saucony's.  It had been so long in fact, I was starting to think I wasn't really all that into running anymore.  I wasn't looking forward to it and I was having to force myself to go.

I have finally been getting in some consistent workouts; a change from the sporadic schedule I had been keeping.  The first three times out were ok, but nothing to be excited about.  It felt good to be outside and get the ol' ticker pumping, but my leg was really sore and I was running slower than molasses in January.  But then Saturday's run happened.  9 minute miles for 3.92 miles.  Awwww yeeeeah.

And with that one run, I'm hooked again.  The seemingly instant performance improvement that comes with starting up running again is more addictive than crack.  And the endorphine high doesn't give you those nasty sores and stuff like crack does, so, you know...better.

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