Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ick. Nast. Gross.

In the ongoing saga of my mouth, I have an issue.  The giant cave of extraction.  It's slowly closing up like it's supposed to.  But here's the problem:  It is currently big enough to trap food, but small enough that said trapped food is next to impossible for me to swish out.  When the cave was a bit less closed, a quick swish around of water and Presto! the offending food particle was gone.  Not so much anymore.

Last night, we had pasta and some bread for dinner.  I had an excruciating day of sitting at my desk and desperately needed to replenish my complex carbohydrates, what of it?  Anywho, about halfway through dinner, I felt something get stuck in the cave.  Quick swish with water.  Nothing.  Quick swish with wine because, well, wine.  Still no progress.  I fought with this for quite some time with zero results other than a whole lotta frustration.

I finally looked at Trav and told him he was going to have to use a tweezers and get whatever the hell was stuck in there, out.  He stared at me all dumbfounded and quietly requested he finish his dinner before making his attempt.  Well, duh.  While he finished his dinner, I grabbed the tweezers.  He fished around in there and finally got the food removed, accompanied by, "You're gonna wanna rinse like now.  I don't know what that was, but it wasn't pasta...and it's on your lip."  So gross.

Now here's a bigger problem.  What am I gonna do every time I eat and Travis is not around?  I kind feel like the tweezer routine is only something you can ask/make your spouse do.  I mean there are some things you have to do once you're married.  If I get some sort of weird growth on my butt, he's gonna be the go to guy there too.  Marriage.

1 comment:

  1. Stimudents, darling. LIke your Bammy used to use (and Aunt Mimi has the addiction as well).
