Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Calm Sunday

We were at my parents' on Sunday.  And after a day of sledding and eating and playing, we were chatting with my mom and dad, procrastinating the drive home.  Although we thought he was exhausted, Alex took that time to go berserk.  He started with running laps around the kitchen and living room.  And then moved on to making Grandma follow him into the kitchen, swearing the whole time he wasn't going to make a "scary" noise with the can opener only to then immediately make that noise and squeal with delight with every scream it elicited from Grandma.

Once he was sure he had sufficiently given her heart a good workout, he moved on to "hanging like a monkey" from my dad's outstretched leg.
Which quickly graduated to flipping over Grandpa's leg.  And posing after each flip:
He finished off the night by using his phone to make pretend phone calls to everyone he knows from the back seat...for the whole first half of the drive home.  He's a busy kid...he can't be wasting time sleeping in the car.

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