Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Still Coughin'

Alex has a cough that comes and goes and he never seems to quite shake it.  Thus far I have attributed it to the fact that he goes to day care with a bunch of other petri dishes and all they do all day is spread germs to each other.  They learn stuff too, but I believe their main goal is to see how quickly they can infect each other.

So yesterday, this cough reared up again during his nap and cut his nap from 2 to 2&1/2 hours to a whopping 35 minutes.  Needless to say, I was told he was "challenging" the rest of the afternoon.  His teacher also asked if his doctor has said anything to me, or if I have asked, about asthma.  Gotta be honest, I was pretty much floored.  And I immediately felt like she was jumping to conclusions.  Apparently having a cough that never quite goes away and is most prominent when one lays down is an indicator of asthma.  This teacher has two kids that have had asthma since they were little and she said his coughing has her a little concerned.  Another teacher separately also mentioned that perhaps I should ask his doctor about it.

I'm all bajiggity about this.  I trust his teachers and they have been pretty much spot on about everything else this kid has dished out...but I am still getting to know his new teacher and she and I have fairly different personalities so it is taking me a little bit to get used to her.  But the other teacher has known Alex, and seen him at least 4 days a week, since he was 8 weeks old.  Pretty sure I am used to her.  So why am I hesitant to call his doctor?

I guess I have just thought that it was just a cold and the thought of it being something else, something more serious sounding, is not sitting very well with me.  And since asthma is nothing that has ever crossed my mind, I feel like we might be jumping the gun a little here.  The other thing is he just had a chest x-ray and in my professional doctoral opinion, I feel the x-ray would have shown something along the lines of swollen bronchial tubes.  See?  I used the term "bronchial"...and I didn't have to look up the spelling...I obviously know what I am talking about.

But in the end, what does it hurt to call?  Nothin'.  That's what doctors are there for.  Good talk.

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