When I picked Alex up the other day, his teachers let me know they think it would be a good thing for him to be in the big kids' room all the time. Currently he goes between the toddler room and the big kids' room depending on how many and which kids are there. But, in a week or so, he will officially be movin' on up. And in today's Least Shocking News, I am feeling conflicted about the change.
On the one hand, I trust his teachers. They spend a crazy amount of time with him and I trust they wouldn't move him if they didn't honestly feel it would be best for him. And, he would have probably been moving over to that room in about 6 months or so any way.
But, 6 months is a long time in toddler terms. When I think about how different he is now from how he was at his 2nd birthday, it's like I have a totally different kid. I mean 6 months is 1/5 of his ENTIRE LIFE. That would be like...well too many years to think about for me. So really the difference between moving rooms now and moving rooms when he is 3 is a big thing.
Another thing that is kinda getting to me is that I am very comfortable with his current teacher, and I don't know his new teacher very well. The other kids seems to really like her and she is a stickler for her rules. Which I do not have a problem with at all. Her rules are ones that will help reinforce using manners and being an all around decent person. I am currently operating with the idea that I am a-ok with being hard on him now to hopefully ease behavioral issues in the future. Whether I am succeeding at that remains to be seen...ask me in a couple or ten years.
My big issue...she is pushing potty training. And I am terrified of it. As much as I don't necessarily like changing diapers, it is so so so convenient. We just went to Minnesota for the weekend. About four hours each way. We didn't have to stop once. Diapers are a beautiful thing. When I am running errands, I don't have to be aware of bathrooms. Go in your pants kid! We'll clean it up shortly! See how nice when we don't have to interrupt Mommy's precious life?!
I keep saying I don't want to push potty training on him so as to avoid frustrating him. But I don't know if that is true or if I just don't want to, or know how to, deal with it. In an effort to overcome my fears, we have instituted a new operating procedure: using the toilet renders a prize of one M&M. I don't know if it will work for Alex, but it is totally satisfying my chocolate craving!
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